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Training Matrix

#Training Matrix

The Training Matrix feature in Threaded allows you to track and maintain a record of the level individuals in an organization are qualified to execute tasks associated with specific nodes in a value stream.

This feature allows the user to clearly identify and track employee skills and qualifications, enabling managers to improve resource allocation, ensure production readiness for new value streams, identify opportunities for employee development and simplify onboarding.

Training Levels are Defined as:

  • None: Training needed
  • Level 1: Can operate with supervision
  • Level 2: Can operate independently
  • Level 3: Can train others

#Add an Employee to the Organization

  1. Select “Settings” in Navigation Pane or Menu

    org tools

  2. Select “+ADD NEW ORG MEMBER”

    add new org member

    NOTE: If you are out of seats, you can add users in the “Subscription” page of the Navigation Pane.

  3. Complete member details

    org member details

#Update Training Matrix in Value Stream

  1. Navigate to the Value Stream you want to update.

  2. Select “Training Matrix” icon in top navigation bar.

    training matrix icon

  3. Select “Add Operator” to add Operator to Value Stream.

    training matrix add operator

  4. Double click on the cell corresponding with the desired operator and node to edit training level.

    edit training level