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Bill of Materials (BOM)

#Organization Parts List and Bill of Materials (BOM)

The parts management features in Threaded allow you to manage parts on an organization level, and by value stream. You can catalog detailed information about parts used across your organization, including part type, supplier information, part status and usage, and you can link parts to specific value streams and nodes.

You can batch add parts by uploading a .csv or .xlsx file containing the BOM information for a specific value stream, or you can add parts individually to a value stream or the organization parts list.

This page will guide you through the process of importing a BOM for a value stream from an external file, adding a part to the organization parts list, and creating a BOM for a value stream from the organization parts list.

Key Terms:

Organization Parts List- A comprehensive list of raw materials, components, parts and sub-assemblies used across an organization.

Bill of Materials (BOM)- The list and hierarchy of parts used in a specific Value Stream.

#Importing a BOM for a Value Stream from an External File

  1. Navigate to the Value Stream you want to add parts to.

  2. Select “Bill of Materials” icon in top Navigation Bar.

    bom icon

  3. Select “IMPORT”.

    bom import

  4. Upload .csv or .xlsx file containing BOM information.

    bom upload

  5. Follow prompts to import and map BOM information from the uploaded file to the Bill of Materials for the Value Stream in Threaded. (Note: When a BOM is uploaded to a value stream, the imported parts are also added to the organization parts list.)

    import process

  6. When mapping columns, use the dropdown to select the column in the uploaded file that should map to the listed header in the Threaded BOM. If required, Threaded will prompt for clarification on mapping.

    mapping columns

  7. If your file contains columns that are not already in the BOM, Import Step 5 will prompt you to choose whether you would like to add these extra columns to the BOM and include the data. If you choose to add columns, you will need to specify what type of data the columns contain.

    extra columns

  8. If all data appears correct in the Preview, click the “Import” button in the bottom right of the window to complete the import.

    final import step

  9. The imported parts will now appear in the Bill of Materials for the Value Stream.

    uploaded parts

  10. The imported parts will also appear in the Organization Parts List.

#Add a Part to the Organization Parts List

  1. Select “Parts” in Navigation Pane or Menu.

    navigation pane parts

  2. Select + ADD PART.

    add part

  3. Edit part details in-line.

    edit part in line

  4. Or click launch button to enter detail view.

    edit part detail view

#Create BOM for a Value Stream from Organization Parts

  1. Navigate to the Value Stream you want to create a BOM for.

  2. Select “Bill of Materials” icon in top Navigation Bar.

    bill of materials icon

  3. Click “Add Part”, then select a part from the dropdown of existing organization parts to add it to the Bill of Materials.

    add part dropdown

  4. Click launch icon to open and edit part details, including quantity and Node.

    edit part detail view

  5. To create a sub-assembly, add sub-assembly parts to parent part using the “Subassembly items” dropdown in the parent part.

    edit subassembly