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Tooling Matrix

#Tooling Matrix

The Tooling Matrix Feature in Threaded allows you to catalog detailed information about tools and assets across your organization, and link tools to specific value streams and nodes.

In one central location, you can track assets, tooling cost and utilization across your organization, collaborate on things like improvements and preventative maintenance, and track readiness for production.

Key Terms:

Organization tool list- A list of all tools and tracked assets used across an organization.

Tooling Matrix- The list of tools and assets used in a specific Value Stream, and the validation status for use in that Value Stream.

#Add a Tool to the Organization Tool List

  1. Select “Tools” in Navigation Pane or Menu. org tools

  2. Click the “+Add Tool” button. add tool

  3. Edit tool details in-line. edit tool in line

  4. Or click launch button to enter detail view edit tool detail

#Add a Tool to the Tooling Matrix in a Value Stream

  1. Navigate to the Value Stream you want to add a tool to.

  2. Select “Tooling Matrix” icon in top navigation bar tooling matrix icon

  3. Select “Add Tool” to add Organization Tool to Value Stream add tool in vs

  4. Edit Node, Validation Status and Project Notes in-line edit tooling matrix in line

  5. Or click launch icon to open and edit tool details, including Node, status, project notes and comments edit tooling matrix sidebar