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Standard Work

#The Modern Standard for Standard Work

The Threaded Standard Work Module is a modern solution to common outdated, ineffective, and inefficient practices. In the Threaded App, Standard Work is directly connected to the performance, parts, processes, tools and people in your organization and Value Stream.

In Threaded, you can view the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), parts, and tools required for a value stream, broken down by node. The information is logically organized, and can be printed or displayed digitally for an operator to follow along with during production.

This page will guide you through the process of viewing and creating Standard Work for a value stream.


Key Terms:

Standard Work - The combination of SOPs, parts, tools and people required to perform an operation. Standard Work in Threaded is also connected to planned and actual perforance metrics including cycle time, yield, uptime and OEE.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - A set of instructions for how to complete an operation.

Procedure Step - An individual action within an SOP.

Custom Parameter - A user specified parameter that can be added to a procedure step. For example, a machine setting or dimensional specification.

Tool - A tool, machine, or device used to perform an operation in a value stream. See Tooling Matrix for more information.

Part - A component, sub-assembly, or raw material used in a value stream. See Bill of Materials for more information.

#View Standard Work for a Value Stream

  1. Navigate to the Value Stream you would like to view Standard Work for.

  2. Select “Standard Work” icon in top Navigation Bar.

    bom icon

  3. The “View | Edit” toggle in the upper right corner allows you to switch between viewing and editing Standard Work.

    standard work view

  4. The “View” tab will display the complete Standard Work for the Value Stream selected.

    standard work view

#View Standard Work for a Node

  1. In the Standard Work “View” mode, there is a filter dropdown that can be used to show the Standard Work for selected nodes.

    standard work filter

  2. Click the filter dropdown and select the node you would like to view Standard Work for.

#View an SOP

  1. In the Standard Work “View” mode, click on the launch button for the SOP you would like to view.

    standard work view

  2. This view will display the parts, tools, procedure steps, custom parameters and media items for the SOP.

    sop view

#Add SOPs to a Value Stream

  1. Navigate to the Standard Work for the Value Stream you would like to add SOPs to.

  2. To add SOPs to the Standard Work, click the “Edit” tab in the “View | Edit” toggle.

    standard work edit

  3. Select + ADD SOP

    add sop

  4. Edit the SOP description, tools or parts in line.

    edit sop

  5. When adding Tools to an SOP, the dropdown will show what tools are assigned to the node.

    sop tools

  6. When adding Parts to an SOP, the dropdown will show what parts are assigned to the node, and allow you to assign a part and part quantity to the SOP.

    sop parts

  7. Or, click the launch button for the SOP to enter the detail view and add comments.

    edit sop detail view

  8. To add process steps to the SOP, click the steps button next to the launch button.

    steps icon

  9. Click “Add Step” to add a new step to the SOP.

    add step

  10. Edit the step cycle time (C/T) and Description in line, define custom parameters and upload media files.

    edit step

  11. Custom parameters can be used to specify process parameters such as a machine setting or measurement, or a product parameter like a dimensional specification. To add a custom parameter, click inside the Parameters box for a procedure step.

    custom parameters

  12. Or click the launch button to enter detail view and add comments.

    edit step detail view

#Add Parts to Standard Work

Parts can be added to Standard Work through the Bill of Materials for the Value Stream. See Bill of Materials for more information.

#Add Tools to Standard Work

Tools can be added to Standard Work through the Tooling Matrix for the Value Stream. See Tooling Matrix for more information.