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Key Stats Calculations

#Key Stats in the Value Stream Map

You probably landed here because you are looking at the Value Stream Map and want to understand what the numbers mean, especially if you see “Needs more data”. This page will explain the data you need for the calculations to work. Details on the calculations themselves are linked below.

Needs More Data

#Throughput Time

Throughput Time is the time it takes to build the product from start to finish.

For this to populate, you need to have the following which are described below:

#Processing Time

This is the amount of time the product spends in active work, it is derived from the fields Planned Cycle Time and Actual Cycle Time which are set on each Node.

Processing Time

When you set them you will see the following in the card:

Plannd and Actual Performance

After you have set these values for all nodes, the Throughput Time will populate automatically.

#Inventory Time

This is the amount of time the product spends in inventory - in a buffer, FIFO lane, or Kanban. Direct transfer inventory will have a value of 0. Once you update the inventory details for any nod-node relationship and add an inventory value, it will be calculated as the product of the inventory level x takt time.

Inventory Time

#Takt Time

This is the required rate of production to meet customer demand. It is derived from the total units you wish to produce divided by the total time you have to produce them. Once you complete your operating parameters it will be calculated and show in the Key Stats, as well as on the Line Leveling chart in the insights view.

Operating Parameters for Takt Time